The candy cane range is a little bigger than hoped

Target begins to stuff the racks with candy cane galore. Photo by Lindsey Nguyen.

By Lindsey Nguyen, Staff Writer

The holiday season has begun with a bang as adult and children dumped gravy on their plates and holiday spirit in their hearts. As soon as the first day of November hit, people swiped their pumpkin spice into the trash and waited about 25 days before grabbing everything Christmas-related (if they could even last that long). Now that KOST 103.5 FM is playing Christmas songs 24/7, it’s officially time for it to be socially acceptable to go full-on crazy with Christmas. Since you’re already going crazy, why not go all out with some crazy candy cane flavors?

  1. Birthday Candy Canes

     We get it, they’re both sugary sweets you can get, but how can you replace a light, minty aftertaste with something dense? It isn’t something your dentist would like (and we all know how much bloody gums and cavities can rally them up). 

  1. Wasabi Candy Canes

     Although candy canes are meant to leave a tingly feeling dancing on your tongue, wasabi might be a little too spicy to handle for some. Please don’t mistake the green for a seasonal coloring or green tea. We all saw Cars 2, we know what happens. 

  1. Pickle Candy Canes

     Yes, most people like sour candies, but I don’t think this is the way to go. Is it just plain pickle flavoring or is there a minty aftertaste too? There’s only one disgusting way to find out.

  1. Bacon Candy Canes:

     Why? Please don’t mix your meat with candy. That’s just straight up bizarre. Again, is it minty? Salty? Why would you trick your brain like that? 

  1. Gravy Candy Canes

     Going with the previous one… why? Next thing you know, we’ll be walking down the street with a ranch lollipop in our mouths. Let’s not mix our desserts, meats or anything else bizarre for that matter into our candy canes please 🙂