Jennifer Trend

By Elise Tran, Editor-in-Chief

Senior Jennifer Trend is writing her own story in life and she’s the main character that everyone just can’t help, but love.

Here’s part of the reason: she is always open to listening to others. Her reassuring attitude and relatability make you feel accepted for who you are. Once you get to know her, you can just spill out your life story and it would still feel comfortable, natural even. Her passion for learning different languages reflect on her ability to connect with others. One of the main reasons she loves to learn Japanese, Spanish and even Norwegian is to be able to communicate with people from different backgrounds and cultures. She has also taken an interest in becoming an author. 

Reading and writing encompass her life from being on board of Classics Club, a writing club at FVHS, to adding to her finished book list in her free time. Books are her safe space. It’s where she can escape from homework, stress and reality and instead, experience a universe, an alternate dimension where there are no limits. She plans on giving back, in a way, by creating stories of her own in the future. She’ll be taking people into a different world, one that she curates. Don’t be surprised if the next thing you know endless lines of people are waiting to get their book signed by the Jennifer Trend.

Capitalizing on her love for books, Trend decided to incorporate her passion with Baron Banner when she joined in her sophomore year. Trend frequently writes articles about books whether it’s featuring a new theme in the school library or suggesting books based on musicals. Her focus on student activities, literary reads and all things geared towards students made her a perfect fit as Lifestyle Editor. Just like her, it’s sweet and simple: there is no question that Jennifer Trend belongs in Baron Banner, or what she considers as her second family.

How she decides to continue her story is not set in stone, but one thing is certain: whichever path she chooses will be great.