Elizabeth Chang

Elizabeth Chang

By Andrew Hsieh

We all know names like Superman, Captain America and Spider-man—big time, big name superheroes who show up on your lunch boxes and T-shirts and movie screens. 

But a big name superhero like Spider-man used to be a friendly neighborhood Spider-man, too. That’s Elizabeth Chang, Fountain Valley’s friendly neighborhood superhero. 

Fountain Valley High School (FVHS) senior Elizabeth Chang lends a helping hand to the world, from small to large scales. 

One of Chang’s big impacts on the world is her care for the environment. As an active member of FVHS Sea Leaf, a volunteer club most known for their monthly beach cleanups in Bolsa Chica, she champions the cause of a cleaner planet. 

“I like [beach cleanups] because I can spend time with my friends while also gaining volunteer hours,” Chang said.

Zooming in on a smaller scale, Chang made a habit of helping out her middle and elementary school teachers after school. She remains a steadfast support of her friends, offering assistance and help as needed. 

“If friends need help on homework or they need reminders or something, I can always text them or call them,” Chang said. “And then for teachers I used to ask them after school if they need any help with anything.”

Chang’s efforts have not gone  unrecognized. She recently earned the President’s Volunteer Service Silver Award for logging 175 or more community service hours. Of course, Chang has no intention of stopping this altruistic path now. Beyond  high school, she plans to pursue a career in nursing. 

“The way the nurses took care of my dad [when he was in the hospital] and took care of all the patients. It just really inspired me.”

Her dedication for environmental advocacy, unwavering support for her friends and commitment to pursuing a career in nursing showcases her altruism and selflessness. The world is bound to be a better place, with the help of Elizabeth Chang.