Wanted: Teacher’s Aides

The following teachers are seeking student aides for first semester. If you are interested, you can contact them through e-mail or visit them in their classrooms. All the necessary information is listed below.

Ms. Watkins (swatkins@fvhs.com)
Library; periods 0-6

Mrs. Allen (jallen@fvhs.com)
Room 210; periods 1-5

Mrs. Barro (ebarro@fvhs.com)
Room 223; must have taken bio

Mr. Birinyi (bbirinyi@fvhs.com)
Room 215

Mr. Bivens (bbivens@fvhs.com)
Room 241; periods 0, 1, 3, 4

Mr. Brummet (dbrummet@fvhs.com)
Room B10

Ms. Carbone (gcarbone@fvhs.com)
Room 401

Ms. Carter (rcarter@fvhs.com)
Room 303; periods 0-2

Mrs. Dickinson (ddickinson@fvhs.com)
Room 213; periods 2-6
Preferably a past student

Mrs. Dow (mdow@fvhs.com)
Room 218; periods 2-6

Mr. Eggert (seggert@fvhs.com)
Room 230; periods 0-4

Mr. Felix (dfelix@fvhs.com)
Room 410

Ms. Fisher (hfisher@fvhs.com)
Room 117; preferably in an advanced math class

Mrs. Gilbert (lgilbert@fvhs.com)
Room 123; periods 1, 3, 5, 6

Mr. Ginex-Orinion (mrginexorinion@gmail.com)
Room 508; periods 1 & 6 – lab assistant

Ms. Gomez (agomez@marinavikings.org)
Room 203; periods 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Mr. Gonzalez (ggonzalez@fvhs.com)
Room 237; periods 1, 2, 4, 5
Must have taken Spanish 3

Mrs. Gordon (agordon@fvhs.com)
Room 248; periods 1, 3, 4, 5

Mrs. Henderson (lhenderson@fvhs.com)
Room 305

Mr. Johnson (ejohnson@fvhs.com)
Room 405; periods 2 & 5

Ms. Jones (ljones@fvhs.com)
Room 207; preferably familiar with French

Ms. Karp (mkarp@fvhs.com)
Room 228

Ms. Kennedy (hkennedy@fvhs.com)
Room 206; periods 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

Mr. Kols (jkols@fvhs.com)
Room 226

Mrs. Kuric (skuric@fvhs.com)
Room 109

Mrs. Lawler (dlawler@fvhs.com)
Room 121; periods 1, 3, 4

Mrs. Leo (cleo@fvhs.com)
Room 217; period 5

Mrs. Marquez (teeaach@aol.com)
Room 231

Mr. Nelson (cnelson@fvhs.com)
Room 403

Mr. Ngo (tngo@fvhs.com )
Room B8; periods 1-4

Mrs. Ro (kro@fvhs.com)
Room 224
Periods 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Mrs. Silvertooth (bsilvertooth@fvhs.com)
Room 301; periods 2, 3, 4, 6
Must be fluent in Vietnamese or Spanish

Ms. Sweeting (mssweeting@fvhs.com)
Room 202; must have completed Spanish II or French II with at least a B

Ms. Szebert (aszebert@fvhs.com)
Periods 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Mrs. Taireh (etaireh@fvhs.com)
Room 101; periods 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Mr. Uribe (duribe@fvhs.com)
Room 406

Mrs. Williams (ewilliams@fvhs.com)
Room 221; periods 1-5

Ms. Winkle (awinkle@fvhs.com)
Room 134; periods 2-4

Mr. Yanagisawa (team@lifeletics.com)
Periods 1, 3, 4, 5

Mr. Young (cyoung@fvhs.com)
Room 113

Mr. Zick (rzick@fvhs.com)
Room 309 or 135; periods 3-6