Link Crew 2011!


Photography by: Tue Duong.

Many of you know Link Crew as the tour guiders for the freshman around our beloved school.  However, they do more than just tell the freshman where their lockers will be.  Link Crew leaders are a group of upperclassmen who have chosen to take their time to help the incoming freshman get to know FVHS better.

Link Crew leaders have to go through 5 hour trainings for two days to learn many ice breakers that they will be playing with their group of freshman.  They have to learn how to communicate with the freshman to help them feel more comfortable around FVHS and prepare them for the stresses of high school.

When asked what the freshman thought of Link Crew, this is what they had to say.  Ryan Thai ’15 thought that, “it was very informative about where everything was.  It was nice to know that the older kids weren’t mean.” Dominic Nguyen ’13 thought, “it was good but it would be better if they let us mingle a bit.” Kevin Pham ’13 said, “There was no food and they should let us have at least 2 people we know so it won’t be as awkward.”

The upperclassmen were able to form bonds with their freshman and become helpful mentors.  Overall, Link Crew is a great program to get involved with!