There is No Happiness in Attending Homecoming

Pictured: self-inflicted pain.

By Adrien Ha

It happens only once a year, and is, perhaps, the most dreaded thing we must face with each passing year – our annual return to school.  To help alleviate the student body of this pain, however, school administrators nationwide decided to organize a type of dance to “celebrate” the return of school: Homecoming.

Homecoming has really become more trouble than it is really worth, and that there are much better alternatives to the heart-breaking, money-sucking, energy-draining dance, including the hipster movement known as Anti-Homecoming.

An arm for a gallon of gas, your soul for a ticket to Homecoming; to what ends of the Earth must we pursue in order to find such a considerable sum for such a trivial event in our lives?  Perhaps they should start making tuxedos with only one pant leg and one arm sleeve and dresses with smaller hems, so formal attire can be close to affordable.

Of course, beyond the attire and the outrageously high price of admission there are other expenses – would you like a limo ride, or would you rather walk? Beyond that, there is the elaborate plan which you must concoct in order to ask someone to Homecoming; unless it is perfectly fine to be drab and ask your date by posting on their wall.

Perhaps it is necessary to purchase, with a dozen roses or a box of chocolate, a sewing kit to mend one’s broken heart.  With love comes rejection.

Why must we torture ourselves year after year, poster after poster, plan after plan, only to hear “no” after “no” as an answer to that now infamous question: “Will you go to Homecoming with me?”  There is of course, a simple way to avoid such unpleasantries: to attend Anti-Homecoming with a gang of friends. There is no romance required, and therefore, none of the nasty side-effects.

Say, for instance, you organize an Anti-Homecoming at Metro Pointe, and you invite a few good friends.  Is there need to buy flowers, or concoct an elaborate plan?  Is there need to thrust yourself into the limelight, pleading for a notice of rejection?  At most, there will simply be the dilemma of “who sits next to whom?” or “how many open seats to leave in between each guy?”

After scrutiny, Homecoming is just paying an exorbitant price to go somewhere crowded to possibly dance (or watch other people dance) for a few hours.

Surely you wouldn’t have to spend as much time and energy focusing your appearance, or what you’re going to do when you arrive.  There is no pressure!  Just a nice, relaxing evening with a few good friends.  No loud, obnoxious, ear-splitting music; no crazy body motions which may or may not qualify as dancing – you’re at your own leisure to come and go as you please, and do as you wish.

To go or not to go: that is not the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the heartache and effort and financial woes of the outrageous Homecoming, or to go against the norm, and attend Anti-Homecoming?

The decision could not be clearer – bring continual suffering upon yourself by following the crowd, or break from the crowd, attend Anti-Homecoming, and find happiness.


56 thoughts on “There is No Happiness in Attending Homecoming

  1. I am truly appalled with this post that you have published for our school to see. As the commissioner of dances at FVHS, I, along with twenty-eight others work together to incorporate the student body in activities, which includes dances.
    What really disappoints me, is that there is no substantial evidence to your unjust accusations and assumptions. “To help alleviate the student body of this pain, however, school administrators nationwide decided to organize a type of dance to “celebrate” the return of school: Homecoming.” (Ha par. 2) All of homecoming is organized for the students by the students. Not one school administrator has helped organize this event. I personally put over thirty hours (easily) coordinating this event alone. The amount of effort that many of us have put towards this event deserves to see results; and in one instant, your post could have possibly rendered them.
    Further in this disrespectful argument, you complain about the “outrageously high” admission prices, along with additional expenses. Yes, the prices are more expensive than others, but still manageable. What you do not seem understand, is that the school has to pay incredible sums of money to put dances like Homecoming and Prom together, and they do not even gain much profit from it. We try to make the prices as cheap as possible; our primary focus is on the students’ enjoyment, not money.
    I would like to say though that I am sorry that you were rejected by a possible date of yours. Trust me, I have been there; many times. This though gives you no right to persuade people at FVHS to not attend Homecoming. Some people who did not attend because of this horrible blog might have actually liked the dance. Second, there is no hipster “Anti-Homecoming” movement; it is merely hanging out with friends. You can hang out with friends any time of the year, but Homecoming only comes four times in your lifetime. I wish you could have attended this dance; every person that I have talked to has said that this dance was the best that they have ever been to. And if you did not want to dance, there was bowling. I find it that you do not have enough information or experience to make these remarks.
    These accusations are unjust and biased. My fellow commissioners and I planned this dance to encourage school spirit and to provide an enjoyable service for the student body. This post not only embarrasses you, but also the Baron Banner as a whole. As a frequent reader, I have never been this upset with any of the Baron Banner’s articles. You have just lost one of your readers.


    Michael Perri

    P.S. Next time, please consider the other side of the story. Your writing is so one-sided that it presents itself as laughable. There are many people who do like dances, and you have no authority to tell them what or what not to do. Each and every person has the decision, and there should be no persuasion.

    1. To address your concerns: this article was published AFTER Homecoming, so I’m sure that everybody who wanted to go was not influenced by this article.

      But mainly, I’d like to emphasize, this is an opinions piece. It does not reflect the thoughts and ideas of all members of The Baron Banner. A lot of us went to and enjoyed Homecoming. Adrien simply chose to wrote about his side of the argument. You’re very welcome to write an opposition piece, since you obviously have a lot to say.

      1. Thank you for replying. In no way was my reply intended to attack Adrien in any such way. I merely responded to inform some true facts about the amount of effort put into a dance. What upsets me though is that his writing is just way too one sided that it fails to see the up sides of homecoming. I know that this is an opinion page and in response to his opinion, I offer my own add well.

    2. Michael Perri, thank you for supplying our school with the best homecoming it has seen in the past four years.

      Much love,
      Nathan Moss

    3. Great Job Michael Perri!
      The dance was great and enjoyable for everyone, so all you’re hard work payed off!! it was a surely a night to remember! excellent job FVHS 🙂

    4. Michael you did a great job with the organization of the dance! it was very successful, and i understand people have different views, but you spent so much of your time organizing this, and it was a great success ! great job ASB 🙂

  2. Dear lord, it’s an opinion piece for gods sake. You’re acting like your dog was kicked and your oversized rainbow lollipop was stolen, when an opinion is being expressed. If youre so flustered then challenge the writer to a duel with a pair of flintlocks instead of writing a wall of text that can be summed up with “I am offended”

    1. Chris,

      I am not hurt by this opinion in any such way. Do not take offense to someone’s opinion or response. I personally an not trying to call anyone out. If you have a problem with my response, come talk to me and we will settle this civilly.

      I know that homecoming was a success, I just wanted to inform Adrien about some of his stated misconceptions. There is no need for your unnecessary insults.

      Michael Perri

  3. Hey guys, give Michael a break. Since he is our dance commissioner, Homecoming is basically his creation and his sweat, blood, and tears. Or, as Chris put it, his “dog”. Reading a piece such as this one, even if it is an opinion piece, the way the article was written didn’t reflect off any faults of our homecoming, just his opinion in general of the concept of the event… I’m sure you’d understand, if it helps, try putting yourself in his shoes.

    Say, Andrea, we had started ranting off on the ASB page about how Baron Banner was not up to par, your articles were cheesy, stupid, and lame, and I have an Anti – Baron Banner movement going on which EVERYONE loves… none of which are true, I love your articles very much, and I’m not complaining about your opinion posts either, but wouldn’t you be the slightest bit of at least, offended?

    Please remember, as an ethical human, just because it IS an opinion post does not mean people won’t get offended. It does NOT mean that you can get away with anything and everything you say, just because it’s an “opinion”. What if you began worshiping Satan or Hitler as “your opinion”? Sure it’s extreme, but it helps me get the point across. Don’t be surprised when you get retaliation… welcome it. Qualify it… but don’t banter him like a little child, because his reaction is perfectly valid.

    1. Yes, definitely I’d be hurt if that was the case. But if you read the article, Adrien never attacked FVHS ASB or the Fountain Valley Homecoming. Obviously, he never went to Homecoming at all. He’s merely talking about IDEA of Homecoming as a whole. “Nationwide”. If you’re interested in a review of our Homecoming, we have one coming up. But this is only an opinions piece and Adrien has the right to express his opinion. An opinion, I might add, that doesn’t really even have anything to do with the work of the ASB here.

      And I never “bantered [Michael] like a little child”. I wanted to address his concerns and invite him to tell us his side of the story. I never meant to be condescending.

      1. Generalizing a topic doesn’t nullify an effect it may have on its readers… If we, as FVHS students, complained about school newspapers in general–instead of explicitly attacking Baron Banner, can you still see why you would still be offended or angry? I know Adrien did not attack the actual dance itself, but discrediting the tradition of it and influencing others to not attend based off of his own conceptions rather than experiences of the dance is enough to cause us to speak our voices against him.

        And besides, it was a post that was replied to all parties–it was more of Chris doing the bantering, with his comment of “your oversized rainbow lollipop was stolen” (so the condescending comments were mostly him).

        Alright, I’m done with this… this has been blown out of proportion. I just didn’t want to sit back and watch my friend be dismantled by some kid who mocks him by comparing him to a child who got his candy stolen.

        1. So this is more of a shameless plug, but to Quinton and all of those who wanted to read a different perspective that is specific to our Homecoming, we now have an article up by Tracy Nguyen about her personal experience with going to Homecoming for her last time. Please, show us that you appreciate all the nice things we write about ASB and FVHS by commenting on the positive articles as well, not just the negative ones.

  4. Just my two cents, Homecoming is the tradition of welcoming back alumni students, and not made by the administration “to “celebrate” the return of school.”

    And to the writer, I really suggest you go to Homecoming next year, or maybe even to prom this year. You may think bad things about it because of the stuff you hear, but until you experience it yourself, it’s really hard to complain about it. To all the people that went, the money situation, what to wear and who to go with are petty little things that are all worth it in the end. The experience is worth all of that. Give it a try.

    1. Technically, it is not a welcoming of alumni if freshies are allowed to attend(no offense to them), so yeah….

      As for the second comment, it’s invalid that you would write something so credulous as to not CHECK your sources. Adrien didn’t say anything about HC himself! He possibly COULD HAVE WENT! You are basing this off of Michael’s argument, which makes your comment one sided!

  5. I feel that too much feeling is put into this article rather than opinion itself. I can definitely feel the heart-break and scorn from reading this, and so I believe that emotion was what really influenced this article. Yes, it is not right to judge the actual Homecoming dance based on whether you got rejected or not. Perhaps if you didn’t get rejected and you actually experienced the dance itself, then the article would change to a pro-homecoming article. Now it seems that your main arguement is the “ridiculous” amount of money that goes into Homecoming as a whole. But this is the dance I’m talking about. The Homecoming dance did not ask for much in terms of money, your ticket was all that needed to be taken care of, and I wouldn’t hesitate to pay that amount anyday. Now whether you’re gonna rent a limo to take you there, buy a corsage, a dress/tux, pictures, flowers and a poster, that’s your own decision. It’s wrong to call the dance “heart-breaking, money sucking, and energy draining” because to me, and plenty of other people I’ve asked opinions on, it was definitely heart-pumping, reasonably priced, and lively. Now, I want you to actually experience homecoming yourself, and don’t spend too much like what you are complaining about, and then write about if there is “No Happiness in Attending Homecoming”. And if you don’t have such a great time, well then oh well.

    Oh and Michael, I love your opinion about this article and I admire how you had the courage to speak up and say your side of this story. Please, don’t stop reading Baron Banner. Because how would other readers know about the other side if there wasn’t people like you to say something about it. If I haven’t attended this year’s Homecoming and I read this article, I wouldn’t know that this year’s Homecoming was the best darn Homecoming that has came to FV since. I hope that you will understand that this article wasn’t directed towards your planning and organization of Homecoming this year. Spoken as an unbiased reader, I leave it at that.

  6. I feel that too much feeling is put into this article rather than opinion itself. I can definitely feel the heart-break and scorn from reading this, and so I believe that emotion was what really influenced this article. Yes, it is not right to judge the actual Homecoming dance based on whether you got rejected or not. Further more, I don’t even know if you have been rejected! Perhaps if you didn’t get rejected and you actually experienced the dance itself, then the article would change to a pro-homecoming article. Now it seems that your main argument is the “ridiculous” amount of money that goes into Homecoming as a whole. But this is the dance I’m talking about. The Homecoming dance did not ask for much in terms of money, your ticket was all that needed to be taken care of, and I wouldn’t hesitate to pay that amount any day. Now whether you’re gonna rent a limo to take you there, buy a corsage, a dress/tux, pictures, flowers and a poster, that’s your own decision. It’s wrong to call the dance “heart-breaking, money sucking, and energy draining” because to me, and plenty of other people I’ve asked opinions on, it was definitely heart-pumping, reasonably priced, and lively. Now, I want you to actually experience homecoming yourself, and don’t spend too much like what you are complaining about, and then write about if there is “No Happiness in Attending Homecoming”. And if you don’t have such a great time, well then oh well.

    Oh and Michael, I love your opinion about this article and I admire how you had the courage to speak up and say your side of this story. Please, don’t stop reading Baron Banner. Because how would other readers know about the other side if there wasn’t people like you to say something about it. If I haven’t attended this year’s Homecoming and I read this article, I wouldn’t know that this year’s Homecoming was the best darn Homecoming that has came to FV since. I hope that you will understand that this article wasn’t directed towards your planning and organization of Homecoming this year. Spoken as an unbiased reader, I leave it at that.

    1. “I feel that too much feeling is put into this article rather than opinion itself. I can definitely feel the heart-break and scorn from reading this, and so I believe that emotion was what really influenced this article.”

      Um. Just wanted to point out the fact that Adrien has a girlfriend and they’re happily dating.

      With or without that knowledge, I don’t get a sense of scorn or rejection from this article anyway.

      1. Whether he has a girlfriend, whether he’s been to an actual Homecoming, whether he got rejected is beyond me. Maybe scorn and rejection are not the best words to use. But I can obviously tell by the expressive words he uses to describe homecoming that there is some type of emotional link to his opinions. I’m not saying either side is wrong. I mean Adrien might have exaggerated his opinion a little bit and Michael might’ve taken it a little too seriously.

  7. While he may be a bit harsh in his critique of Homecoming, Adrien definitely has a point and for that I applaud him. It’s nice to see that someone is willing to express their thoughts regarding something which appears to command so much importance at our school. It’s really sad that people (referring to Michael Perri) feel the need to bash him purely for the fact that he is expressing his opinion. Honestly, it’s the school newspaper; there is going to be some sort of opinion. In the real world, not everyone is going to share your sentiments regarding certain issues. If you can’t tolerate other people’s opinions without being “appalled,” seeing them as “disrespectful arguments,” or considering them “laughable” or “one-sided,” then maybe you should consider living in a box where only you and your opinions will be heard. In fact, I am appalled that you, Michael Perri, the person who holds a position at our school, would be so scathing and critical towards a simple article of opinion. Do you want to hear true feedback about how students view your dances, or do you want to be left in the dark with your disillusioned views of how they are perfect in every way and are un-criticizable?

    Regarding “laughable” and “one-sided arguments,” I have to say that I have never read something more hypocritical than your post, Michael Perri. You claim that Adrien’s article (which, while a bit harsh, as you mention, is also very fair in its critique) is “laughable,” “one-sided,” and “appalling,” yet when in reality your own post exhibits each of those qualities. If I were you, I would consider correcting my own faults before attacking others just because they have a different opinion than you do, or that they do not like your dances. And seriously, if one article is enough to get you to stop reading the school newspaper, I think we’d better look into getting people who have more toleration and control their temper better to plan the dances.

    And if this article is truly the reason why you will stop reading the Baron Banner, then, to Adrien, I do not believe you have lost anyone of importance.

    Also, I’d like to add that I am in no way trying to attack your dances, Michael Perri. Homecoming this year was amazing, and for that, you and the others who worked to create this great night deserve praise. I simply disagree with your hypocrisy and the way with which you attack Adrien on his opinionated, but fair post.

    To Adrien, this post does not embarrass you or the Baron Banner, as Michael Perri claims it does. It stands as great example of someone who decided to speak their mind, despite the risk of being scathingly and unjustly reprimanded for actions they did not commit by a few insensitive people who are supposed to represent FVHS as a whole.

    To Michael Perri, there’s really no need to cause drama. Just because feel like creating commotion or stirring the pot does not mean that you should just go and attack someone else’s opinions because. Consider accepting people’s advice and opinions, and working to make dances better. Or, if you can’t have your work critiqued, consider purchasing a coloring book. One with lots of pages. If you draw outside the lines there, no one will really care or be offended. Prevent problems, don’t make them.

    1. I do not want to start a long mess with this post, but I just want to note the fact that though you do have a valid point, there is not much Michael can do in order to satisfy the opinions of Adrien. Regarding one of Adrien’s main points, money is obviously a factor in Homecoming. This however, is an unavoidable situation. Homecoming has become a high standard for FVHS, continued for many years, compared to other schools where it is simply a small dance. Of course, in order to keep this standard, money must, unfortunately, be spent. Though the price can be a hefty sum for simple high school students, Michael can’t lower the price. On the other hand, he was able to obtain a completely new venue, Club 300, which is obviously an improvement from past years, and was able to keep the price relatively similar to those before. There are other various things that Adrien states, in which Michael would be unable to change, such as being heart-broken from rejection or spending money on posters and flowers. (To be honest, I am a stickler when it comes to money, but I spent a mere $10 for a poster and flowers when I asked my Homecoming date.)

      I’m sorry if I’m sounding somewhat vicious in my response, but what CAN Michael get from this article? What are some opinions and advice that Michael would be able to use so that he could work to make dances such as Homecoming better? I completely agree with you, and I think CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is great and that one should be using it to better oneself and his work, but what is so constructive about this article?

    2. Yes, everyone has their own opinions but stating it to the school news about not going to Homecoming seems to explain why this school’s spirit has been slacking. It’s because people like Adrien discourages students to take action in school activities and events is why not many people are willing to participate. Homecoming is what every school has and if the prices are too high then would you rather have Homecoming in the gym? Being a Baron I feel as if Homecoming is a great way to start off the school year with a fun event of asking people and just getting dressed up for a dance. Yes, Adrien, you may have an Anti-Homecoming group but why not experience something in your high school career? All I’m saying is that your opinion was clearly stated that you don’t like Homecoming but how would you even know what it’s like if you never went? Try something different.

  8. i had an anti-homecoming and it was pretty awesome. i talked to people who actually went to homecoming and i got mixed reviews, but to each their own, right?

  9. “This though gives you no right to persuade people at FVHS to not attend Homecoming.”

    1st amendment. Just like you have the right to give your opinion, so does he.

    Don’t they teach government at FVHS?

    1. Yes, they do teach government at FVHS, but ironically the people in charge here (Michael Perri) apparently do not understand that people are entitled with the right to their own opinion.

      I suppose that’s beside the point though, because Adrien wasn’t trying to keep people from going to Homecoming, as this article was published after the fact. The more serious problem here is that this Michael Perri guy seems to think that he can attack someone’s opinion using scathing and untrue accusations.

      1. First of all. I never attacked him with “scathing and untrue accusations.” I merely corrected him of his assumed accusations. I did not what so ever attack him personally. I know that this is an opinion page and I respect him for this opinion. What displeases me is that he did not provide two sides to his story, thus making it one sided; and his side contained false assumptions and acusations. That is why my initial reaction seemed pretty heated.
        The next day I had time to sit down and talk to Mr. Ziebarth, the advisor of the Baron Banner. He told me the details of Adrien’s piece and I now know of Adrien’s purpose: That he as a student dislikes the theme of Homecoming in High School. That’s perfectly fine and I do not have anything against that, but his purpose was no clearly stated in his writing; which led me to write my response.
        I am in no way trying to attack Adrien. I do not know him. What you seem to not understand is that this is an opinion page, so I am allowed to voice my opinion too; you as well. So please do not feel offended with my rebuttal, for it’s not aimed at you; it’s aimed at the article.

        And please, if you have anything else to say, like specific examples of where I “attacked” him or a rebuttal to my response, feel free too. I would like to clear this up with you.

        1. “These accusations are unjust and biased. My fellow commissioners and I planned this dance to encourage school spirit and to provide an enjoyable service for the student body. This post not only embarrasses you, but also the Baron Banner as a whole”
          .. Yah bro. You never attacked him personally.
          .. /sarcasm.
          .. Btw, YOU does not mean “for it’s not aimed at you; it’s aimed at the .. article.

          1. What I see here is Michael Perri expressing his own goddamn opinion about Adrien’s goddamn opinion. Using the first amendment to justify your attack on Perri’s opinion appears to be fairly rash. Adrien had a fairly strong article concerning Homecoming, and Perri had replied with a fairly strong statement. Isn’t Perri also entitled to his own opinion? Adrien’s article definitely had a scathing and, to some extent, untrue undertone throughout. Wouldn’t it be natural for someone to reply with a complementing extreme response?

            For instance, if someone were to gratuitously demean you, how would you respond? This is a hypothetical situation, and I’m not trying to say Adrien attempted to “demean” anyone, even though it was most definitely implied to a point where it was demeaning. What I believe is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and it is things like this that provides for healthy debate. Instead of trying to undermine someone’s opinion by using incoherent logic, why not just post your own opinion on the article. Sure, you can point out some flaws in someone’s argument, but calling Perri’s response unjustified (yes, even though you didn’t directly say it was unjustified, it is assumed as you called it a “serious problem”) by stating that people are all entitled to their own opinion is foolish (in my own sincere opinion…don’t hurt me)

            In my opinion (I repeat this in order to appease your seemingly exorbitant desire for unjustified entitlement, in my own opinion), Adrien’s article was poorly written even though it did try to make a good point. First off, I laughed out loud while reading this the first time. Perhaps it was the seemingly overt bias that oozed out the feeling that this guy was a loser who got rejected to homecoming (I’m not saying that he was rejected to homecoming, it just seemed so). There is no doubt, however, that Adrien failed to establish his own experience with homecoming, drastically weakening the argument. The reader does not know where he is coming from. Did he get rejected? Did he go to homecoming at all? By not knowing this, the reader must assume that he didn’t go to Homecoming because the remarks just come off as ignorant (in my own opinion). What I also found to be particularly funny is the call to action in the very end of the article: “The decision could not be clearer – bring continual suffering upon yourself by following the crowd, or break from the crowd, attend Anti-Homecoming, and find happiness.” Surprisingly, this statement maintains the same level of evidence and justifications that all of his other accusations (e.g. calling it a trivial event without anything to support it) also have, which is quite oddly NONE (in my own opinion.) Oh, and honestly, who also doesn’t get a few chuckles out of that last sentence? “…bring continual suffering upon yourself by following the crowd, or break from the crowd, attend Anti-Homecoming, and find happiness” Come on!

            I really want to end this here because I’m very sleepy. I just wanted to let you know ItsJustAGoddamnOpinion, that people are entitled to their own opinion despite how illogical or flawed it may be. Maybe Perri would consider your stance if it weren’t so scathing and derisive (in my own opinion). All in all, I hope you will consider what I have said here. You can completely blow it off if you want to….after all, aren’t you entitled to your own opinion?

          2. I wonder how many people actually read that whole thing ^^^^^. Almost fell asleep..

          3. I’m not surprised. But hey, that’s just your goddamn opinion. If you actually read it, you might’ve found it to be kind of funny, but don’t listen to me, you’re always right 🙂

  10. People still fail to realize that Adrien isn’t attacking ASB or FVHS’s homecoming. NO WHERE in his article does he state that.
    He’s only giving his opinion of homecoming in general.

    1. What’s his reason for giving his opinion? All opinions have reasons, that’s for sure.

      Off-topic – My captcha to enter this comment is UM4D. Haha.

  11. I want to first start off by saying that Adrien wrote a FANTASTIC article. This of course is true journalism as it is a bold and daring move to convey one’s thoughts publicly. I commend Adrien’s work for that.

    As for Michael Perri’s interpretation of this article, the arguments and disapproval comments are not rational. THIS IS AN OPINION ABOUT HOMECOMING, NOT OURS SPECIFICALLY! This article can be viewed from numerous perspectives, one in which that I find this article to be a satirical stab on the cliches of high school. Taking the defensive side of ASB is too rash in it’s entirety due to the fact that ASB is NEVER explicitly mentioned. And for “I’m also a Junior”, this article was not meant to be a critique of the recent homecoming! This article was just iterating ONE students opinion on homecoming ITSELF. In general, Mr. Perri abhorring(with a seemingly great passion) is admirable, though plainly put,is just a MASSIVE overreaction.

    To Mr. Ha, please do be careful on the diction of the words. While you do maintain yourself in the clear, your diction can also be misunderstood(Mr. Dang). Thus it is better if you minimize using words with commonly misunderstood meanings, such as “suffering” or “dreaded”. Burdensome words make a burdensome article!

    To EVERYONE ELSE, please stop using improper reasoning. All these argument on who was justified is credulous, and inappropriate. From Mr. Perri’s comment about Mr. Adrien’s rejection(a complete assumptuous conclusion based on no grounds) and the thought of this article being CRITICISM is utter rubbish. These are all AD HOMINEM fallacies, and have no standing whatsoever in this comment section! PLEASE STOP PERSONALLY CRITICIZING BOTH ADRIEN AND PERRI!

    Le mot de vérité,

    1. Thank you for your insight. I do see some of your points and after talking to Mr. Ziebarth, I was then able to fully understand his purpose. This opinion is a good piece, yet it still lacks to clearly state its purpose, and that is why it created this cluster of responses. I wrote my response to the way that he wrote this article. Once again I do not have anything against Adrien or this article. The article was just too one sided that it did not provide the right information. If he presented the other side as well, and STILL did not want to go to homecoming, I probably would not have written my response. I also did not take the side of ASB, I took my own side. The only time I talked about ASB was earlier on in my response. In no way did ASB influence my response. I just corrected him of his wrong assumptions.

      Please if you have anything else to say, please. I would like to hear it.

  12. I respect everyone’s opinions and believe everyone has a valid point, but I have to say, Adrien’s article is too one sided and biased. I thought the Baron Banner was made to present news and reviews to FVHS, not be a source for arguments. The Baron Banner is supposed to represent FVHS as a whole, but I feel like many people’s opinions were not told in this article. If you want to express your thoughts on Homecoming, please do so on your own personal blog. It upsets readers expecting to find such a scathing review on Homecoming after they had such a pleasant time at the dance.

    And yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but please be more considerate of each other’s feelings. I’m not on ASB but I know they spent a lot of time organizing this dance. It takes a lot of time to organize anything, really. So of course Michael would be mad at this article. It’s to be expected. He spent his own time and effort, not for himself, but for everyone at our school.

    I feel that someone who had actually gone to the dance should have written a review instead. Adrien should have written a separate Anti-Homecoming article instead of bashing the actual Homecoming.

    Thanks for your time.

    1. It’s called an opinion piece. Newspapers have been doing it for years.

      Attacking someone for expressing their thoughts on homecoming and trying to get others to feel the same way is probably the saddest thing I’ve seen on this website. Just because the event organizers put time into the dance doesn’t mean it’s going to be good. In fact, it would be very stupid indeed to think everyone would like it. Filmmakers have spent hundreds of millions of dollars and years of work on the Transformers film series. And guess what. They suck. But the people saying it sucks aren’t attacked for saying so. There’s a thing called the First Amendment that protects something called Freedom of Speech. I’m not sure some people in this comment area understand it.

      tl;dr stop being so hurt over someone criticizing your dance. Grow up.

  13. EVERYONE IS A HYPOCRITE ON THIS ARTICLE. Some of you complain about how Michael is a hypocrite himself for bashing Adrien but look at what YOU’RE doing, you’re bashing Michael as well (BaronsRule). You said you didn’t intend to be hurtful or bash Michael when in fact that’s what you’re doing. Honestly, Michael was just trying to give HIS side of the story and how the article affected him which is HIS OWN OPINION. Now everyone on here bashing him and what he wrote is judging his opinion as well. Everyone just needs to get over it honestly. Michael didn’t want to start drama, he just wanted the people who read Adrien’s article to know that there IS Happiness in going to Homecoming, unlike the article’s title states.

  14. Regardless of whether there’s too much feeling or that it’s brave of him to express his strong opinions, I applaud him. Yes, there are faults (more so on the ranting side than on the insulting side), but he did do a spectacular job. Why? He managed to write a controversial article that made such an impact on the school. One of his first articles, I believe, on baron banner. Undeniably, he also has a advanced writing style that hooks the reader. I do not support nor am against homecoming or anti-homecoming, but I think that as an article, it is very well written.

  15. You kids are just wasting your time typing all this. Go concentrate on AP’s and college apps.

    1. Oh, I disagree – all kidding aside, I am actually quite impressed at some of the posts that are coming out of this article. True, some is useless drama, but this has turned into an awesome debate that clarifies the purpose of a newspaper’s editorial section (as a section separate, of course, from factual news) and I applaud the Baron Banner for giving students – and others – the opportunity to express their varying opinions. What an excellent learning experience to help readers distinguish, if only in their own mind, the difference between expressing opinions and personal attacks.

  16. So I just wanted to say, I decided to make popcorn to read this entire article with its comments. And I must say. It was extremely entertaining and all the arguments were quite well thought out. To those who say Baron Banner shouldn’t write pieces like this, well I disagree completely. I don’t mean to get in on this whole fighting thing. But why silence other people from stating their opinions. Micheal gets to state his and so does Adrien. That’s life, my friends. If you can’t get used to Micheal having an opinion or Adrien having a more off the charts view on homecoming. Then please go back to that AP book you were studying, because you have no right to go into the world. Or if you do, boy, are you in for a shock! I think its extremely interesting that this Article effected so many people. It means you people are passionate! Which is fantastic. And it makes me proud of my school that people can come up with such well written statements and arguments. So let us not censor ourselves from pieces like this on the Baron Banner. Let us instead read them, disagree with them, rant about them and enjoy them!

    1. I love this man. It’s all for the sake of healthy debate! Why not have some fun while you’re all angry and frustrated, right?

  17. I don’t really know why so many people were bashing on Michael and his response. If I were him, I would probably feel the same way. I understand that Adrien was trashing the CONCEPT of Homecoming and not OUR actual Homecoming, but still. I say Michael was completely justified to be angry with this article. I also agree that the article contained no counterargument, therefore it was weak in several ways. However, it was very entertaining and the concept about dates and money was true, nonetheless. I went to Homecoming and personally, it was so so so amazing. Props to Michael and the rest of the Dance Commission as well as all of ASB for planning this dance 🙂 Whoever didn’t go definitely missed out on a crazy night.

    1. Hurrah to those who attack others’ opinions. A period of rivalry and hatred ahead I see.

      Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony. – Heraclitus (535 BC – 475 BC)

      1. I find it fine to attack others’ opinions if you’re attacking the actual content of the opinion and pointing out the flaws or misconceptions in a person’s argument. It all comes down to healthy debate. What I don’t like about certain comments on this page are the ones that attack the ACT of posting opinionated comments.

  18. Honestly, thank you so much for writing this piece and deciding to go against the social norms. It’s an opinion piece for christ’s sake, you don’t have to please everyone. Thank you again for taking a step in the right direction and expressing yourself.

  19. Wow! I’m so glad to read all these arguments! Not out of a love of conflict and hatred of course, but in appreciation of the very idea that we can argue [peacefully] with each other, and not have to fear being attacked or thrown in jail (or detention. Whatever the high school equivalent is.)
    Ahh…. America.

    To Michael: I didn’t go to the dance, but I heard it was awesome! xD
    To Adrian: Yes, your writing is one-sided, but hey, that’s what got all these responses, so props to you.
    To people reading this: Hi!

  20. There’s no denying that school dances bring with them a lot of stress and peer pressure. Most teenagers feel excluded and self-conscious at some point, and to have a “must attend” dance come up during that time only adds to their trauamatic experiences. Adrien’s article was written for these students, so that they can feel proud of themselves even if they don’t have a date or don’t want to attend.

    It’s ridiculous for Michael and his supporters to feel offended – you are on the MAJORITY side…most people love Homecoming!! The article was written in defense of the minority of students who dread this type of event. To some people, these things can seem like school-sponsored emotional torture, and an article like this can help them laugh it off.

    Also, PLEASE look up the word “editorial” before you complain about this article being a one-sided opinion piece. That’s what editorials ARE!!!

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