What You Shouldn’t Do To Pass School

“To copy and pass off (the expression of ideas or words of another) as one’s own ; use (another’s work) without crediting the source.”  This is the dictionary definition of the word plagiarism. Plagiarism, however, is much more than just “copying” ideas or works. It is lying, cheating, and being unoriginal.

To some of us, why anyone would bother plagiarizing is a very perplexing question. When I stopped to think about this question, I came up a few reasons. Perhaps a student who plagiarizes has totaken from:http://internet.phillipmartin.info/o much on their plate, and wants to get work done faster. Or maybe the student is unsure what to talk about, and wants to include everything and anything they find. Could it be the due date for the assignment is in five hours and the student still has not started? Or maybe the student feels as if they do not understand a certain concept, therefore cannot summarize it properly and frankly, wouldn’t plagiarizing be much easier?

Whatever the reason may be, everyone, not just students, should realize that plagiarizing is detrimental in the long run. The obvious drawback of plagiarizing is getting an Honor Code Violation. However, outside of school, plagiarizing could get a person fired from their job or in serious legal quandaries.

But is this the only reason we wouldn’t plagiarize, because we do not want to get into trouble? It shouldn’t be the sole reason. When a person plagiarizes, they are being  unoriginal. Everyone in the world is capable of doing their own work. It’s as if this person is trying to say that he or she has no opinion on anything. Not only is a person unoriginal while plagiarizing, but they are also dishonest. They are lying about the work by trying to pass it off as their own. Plagiarizing and cheating go hand in hand because, as with cheating, a person who plagiarizes does not learn anything and tries to pass school (or work) without using their own mind.

Some ways to avoid plagiarizing would be to not leave assignments to last minute. Also, if coming up with a new idea is difficult, brainstorm first and organize your thoughts. Sit down with just a piece of paper before you go to your textbook, your friend, or the internet. If you are unsure about an assignment or need help, isn’t that why teachers are there? Additionally, they are the ones that will be grading the work you are doing so who else can give you better tips?

Really, there is no need to plagiarize. Think of it this way: if you were to come up with a brilliant piece of writing, would you want someone to copy or steal it?