Girls’ Tennis: Working Hard

The girls tennis team have been practicing harder than ever as they close of the season is a few games away.

The girls took a victory over the Huntington Beach Oilers with a score of 10-8 on Tuesday the 18th.

Thao Pham (’12), who won all three of her matches, said, “It’s good to know that all the work that Coach is making us do actually pays off. We won!”

They unfortunately lost to the Chargers on Thursday the 20th with a score 4-14.

Even so, they felt like winners after putting so much time and energy into their sport during practices, games, and conditioning.

“We condition so much more than last year, and I feel like the team has a stronger sense of discipline and work ethic,” said Nataly Nguyen (’12), “We might not have won as much as we wanted to, but I’m sure the team will improve more in the long run.”

Keep up the work, ladies!