FAIR Act: Adding Gay History to Curriculum

Gay Rights Movement
Gay Rights Movement

Since its passing on January 1st, the FAIR Act has made it legal for middle schools to incorporate the teaching of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender history in social studies classes.

The issue has been in the media as the center of controversy. Some parents oppose teaching LGBT history in schools because they assume that this is an introduction of political ideology concerning gay marriage. However, this is not the case. The LGBT movement is a huge part of history istelf.

Would there be a big difference in teaching about gay history beginning in middle school rather in high school? If we look at the big picture, there isn’t a very prominent or life-changing difference. Like many changes throughout history, the next generation improves on the acceptance of one another. The passing of this act would bring about more open minds and a more educated generation.

Not only is the act beneficial for the younger people, but the act itself is by no means promoting anything that is intended to enforce beliefs. Rather, the act provides informational background about gay rights and contributions. History is history, and it is better to be informed in order to prevent future mistakes, such as that of violence or discrimination.

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