Student Spotlight: Andy Nguyen

By Sadaf Qadir and Dorothy Nguyen

Out of mundane circumstances and ennui emerge amazingly consummate talent.  Andy Nguyen (’13) first cultivated his passion for delighting many with his perfected illusions and magic tricks as a relatively young boy growing up in the South.  Years later, as a gracious AP student, he brings to Fountain Valley his practiced flair for magic and continues to entertain and bring joy to the run-of-the-mill Baron.

How did you start doing magic?

About seven years ago, I saw my first David Blaine Special and I went to the closest magic shop and told the guy there, that I want to learn magic. He showed me magic books and from that point on I just started.

Did you basically teach magic to yourself?

Yes, I used to live in Tennessee, and I literally lived in the middle of nowhere; the nearest town was half an hour away so I had a lot of time to myself. And that’s all I really did was, magic.

Do you plan on doing anything with magic in the future?

Mainly, it’s just a hobby but one of my dreams is to perform at the Magic Castle. You do get paid if you perform up there, but then again, it’s not like I’m really pursuing that, plus it’s really crazy to get in.

What are some of your other hobbies?

I like to make videos and I like to work out, lift weights.

What are some of your goals and aspirations for the future?

After college, I think I’m going to join the Air Force. I want to be pilot. The nearest base is near the San Francisco area, so I kind of want to raise a family there.

What’s your favorite trick?

That’s kind of hard to put on paper. There isn’t really a name for it. Basically, they pick a card, put it back in the deck and lose it in there. Then, I take out another card and I ask, Is this your card? I pretend that I messed up the trick and say, awww, that wasn’t your card? Man, I messed up. Then I have them hold the card and then I ask what was your card, then they name it, and I go wait wasn’t that the card you were holding, and they flip it over and it’s their card.

How many magic tricks do you know?

I’ve learned well over a couple hundred. What I remember though, is about twenty because I’ve been doing it for seven years. I can learn tricks and replace new tricks in my repertoire, so I only keep about 10 in mind.

Do you constantly look through magic books ?

Nowadays, I don’t learn through the books, I usually go to the closest magic shop, which is near Westminster Lanes, or I go to magic lectures . I actually discuss tricks with other magicians and learn it through them because magic in books are, I don’t want to sound cocky, kind of boring, they’re kind of too easy. Magic learned through other magicians is more original and it’s fun to learn especially when you’re learning it from the creator.

Why do you love magic?

Why do I love magic? I like doing magic because I like making people happy. I like bringing joy to people through the form of entertainment. I like making people laugh. It’s also a good ice breaker.

Are you going to try out for the talent show?

Honestly, I never really thought about doing magic for the talent show, I don’t know why. I was going to try out, but the day I found out was the day of the try outs and I couldn’t make it. Maybe next year.