Update on International Week

New “International Week” information has been released.

Plans were still being finalized at the most recent ICC meeting which went over some of the various specifics for International Week. Fraser stated his plan to open the meeting, “We want to come together to shore up activities for International Week.” The week long celebration, still set for the week of April 23rd to 27th, received names, activities, and dress up days.

After discussion between club presidents, asb commissioners and Fraser came to the group agreement on these names and themes.

Monday – Latin Lunes (Latino, Mexican, Spanish themed)

Tuesday – Tropical Tuesday (Island, Tropics, Hawaiian themed)

Wednesday – Won Ton Wednesday (Oriental, Asian, Eastern Culture themed)

Thursday – Eurosday (Great Britain, Old Europe, Scandinavian themed)

Friday – International Day (Any culture in the world)

Along with the names and themes for the days of International Week, various activities were agreed upon and slated for each day. Spanish club volunteered to do a latin dance and there were also talks of a chinese lion dance among other things.

“International Week” is now two weeks away and plans will have to be finalized during the hectic Baron Games. The “Culture Fair”, on Friday the 27th, is still going to be the premiere event and Fraser expressed that he had been hard at work; contacting the mayor and Fountain Valley Living as well. He stressed above all that clubs start finalizing their plans. There was also emphasis by both ASB and Fraser for clubs to not only sell food but provide activities in order to create more of a carnival like atmosphere.