Homecoming Week Activities

On Thursday October 11th, 2012, the five Homecoming court boys, five male teachers, five male fall sports captains, and five male students all competed head to head in a toilet paper relay race. The men first has to throw a hacky sack at their partner who was wearing a clip board, the hacky stack then needed to bounce off the clipboard and into a bucket. Once completed the men then had to unravel a roll of toilet paper around themselves going over each mans shoulder then under neither their legs connecting them all. The five males from Homecoming court finished their roll first winning the relay.

On Wednesday October 10th, 2012, the five Homecoming court girls, five female teachers, five female fall sports captains, and five female students all competed head to head in the relay race. The ladies first put on a football helmet then ran from one side of the bowl to the other next they had to spin in circles with their head touching one end of a bat while the other end touched the ground followed by the girls having to run dizzily as fast as they could back to tag the next girl in their group. The students finished first, followed by fall sports captains, teachers, and with Homecoming court bringing up the rear.

On Tuesday October 9th, 2012, students bought $1 plates full whip cream to throw, smash, or rub in the faces of this years Homecoming Court. Celina Huynh, Jessica Le, Jessica Hanson, Anna Ransom, Anhdao Uong, Danny Chamaa, Max Chern, Dylan Chou, Tyler Penella, Quantin Pham all lined up on stage in the bowl prepared for whatever may be thrown their way.

Photographed By: Tyler Rose Ratzlaff & Tue Duong

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