FVHS Theater Competes in RoleAbout

from left to right:
First Bottom Row: Rebecca Turner, Julia Nguyen, Ariel Shvartsman, Mackenzie Shepard, Danielle Canas.
Second Row: Nikki Tran, Morgan Capristo, Alex-Quan Pham, Ariana Isbell, Jake Wells, Ashley Ramos, Kevin Dinh.
Third Row Top: Sydney Benjamin, Michael Peters, Maggie Fayez, Mr. Zick, Brandon Khong, Anh Dinh, and Madison Thissel.

On Saturday, FVHS Advanced Theatre class went to Mission Viejo High School to participate in the RoleAbout Festival.

The RoleAbout is a competition in which aspiring actors act and perform monologues. During the competition, each actor had three different sections to be performed in the morning.

Participants competed in various categories such as Film Monologue, Contemporary Monologue, Classical Monologue, Duet, Cold Reading, Original Monologues, and Song. In the end, only three winners in each category placed First, Second, or Third.

About 14 Barons participated, and seven went on to finals: Brandon Khong (’13) and Danielle Canas (’13) for Comedic Contemporary scenes, Maggie Fayez and Alex Quan Pham (’13) for Duet Song, Sydney Benjamin (’14) for Original Monologues, Rebecca Turner (’14) for Song, Ariel Shvartsmann (’13) for Contemporary Monologue, and Julia Nguyen (’14) for Contemporary Monologue.

Brandon Khong, one of the seven finalists, said, “I really enjoyed performing at the Festival. I loved watching scenes, finding out good pieces for future performances, and just interacting with the theatre world.”

Although FVHS Theater did not place in the top three categories, they still had fun. Danielle Canas (’13) said, “There were many strong competitors [ in the festival] and I think that we represented Fountain Valley very well.”

About Julia Nguyen

Hi, I'm Julia. I am in Theatre and Baron Banner. I like advertising "my" (quotation marks because it really isn't truly mine) blue blueberry smelly marker sometimes around the school. I also like going out and doing things with my life.