“Pitch Perfect” movie night postponed

After a paperwork error, FVHS’s highly-anticipated Valentine’s Movie Night, hosted by clubs CSF (California Scholarship Federation) and NHS (National Honor Society), was postponed to Friday, February 22.

NHS President Tyler McHenry (’13) said, “Unfortunately, the Movie Night has been postponed because of an Activities Office scheduling error with the CIF Basketball Game that same night.”

“We will still be having this event, and apologize for the inconvenience,” said McHenry.

Both clubs were also notified in short notice, 2 days before the first date planned, the 15th.

Despite the date, nothing else about the event has changed. Admission is still $5, food and drinks will also be available, and there will be a photo booth. As before, all are welcome.

Popular film “Pitch Perfect” will be shown.


4 thoughts on ““Pitch Perfect” movie night postponed

  1. The clubs that were hosting the event never turned in the proper copyright paperwork to show the movie. It would be nice for the students that write these articles to dig a little deeper in their research so we can report all the facts…

    1. According to NHS President Tyler McHenry and ASB member Sarina Dayal, the proper copyright paperwork was filed. It was the event papers with the activities office which were never turned in.

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