Juniors sign up for senior courses

By Julia Hong

Last week, FVHS juniors gathered in the school cafeteria during their English classes to discuss classes for senior year.

The meeting served as an introduction to classes they would be able to take senior year, including Art, Foods, Yearbook, and ROP. Students will be offered classes that can benefit them in college and the future.

Gina Luu (14’) said, “ROP and all of the other classes gave us a look at what we might be facing in college or doing what we want to do when we’re older. It made us think that reality is finally hitting us next year.”

This year’s meeting was different from previous years in that it was conducted in the cafeteria instead of English classes. It was easier for teachers and guidance specialists to meet with several English classes at once instead of going to individual classes, which saved extra time and work.

Some of the FVHS staff who were present included Mr. Ziebarth, Mr. Eich, and Mr. Eggert, who teaches AP Computer Science. Guidance specialist Mr. Walters was also in attendance.

This is only an introduction meeting for juniors, as they are registering for senior courses soon.