Beyond the Wall- Troubadors travel to China

by Carly Shaw, staff writer

While most students were busy talking about summer plans at the end of the school year, Choir Director Kevin Tison and most of the FVHS troubadours were preparing to travel over 6,000 miles away. For ten days the troubadours, along with family members and math teacher Ms. Fah, traveled from Beijing, China to Hong Kong singing in places such as the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and Radio Television Hong Kong. They were immersed in culture, history and the adventure of a lifetime.

“Whenever we found a chance to sing, we took it, whether it was in the renowned Shanghai Conservatory of Music, or in the middle of the street,” said Morgan Parker (‘15).

Along with the incredible venues, Tison and the group were amazed by the excitement and hospitality of the chinese people, shown through handmade meals and other gestures. Many members of the group describe it as a humbling and memorable experience.

“I love that we were able to bond with other people from other countries through a similar interest, which was singing and music,” added Manuel Santiago (‘15).

Not only did they have the opportunity to meet new people, they were also awed by the amazing culture and architecture of the country. From climbing the Great Wall of China to coming face to face with the Terracotta Warriors, the beauty of China surrounded them.

“I grew so many bonds with people I never thought I would and experienced the world on a whole different level,” explained Sutton Fryslie (‘15).