FVRR overwhelms the judges at their last competitions

By Ahmed Fayad and Elaine Vo, Staff Writers

Fountain Valley Royal Regiment has been bringing home gold in numerous competitions this season.

FVRR participated in a division-wide competition where they battled against many other schools at the Irvine High School, this past Saturday.

“Royal Regiment is improving with upcoming competition and we are working much harder this year than we have in any previous years,” baritone trumpet soloist Danny Jackson (’15) said.

Gaydos felt proud of his team as color guard had received a score of 89.0 which gave the team the award of Auxiliary sweepstakes which is an extremely prestigious award which Color Guard has won 3 times in a row.

The musicians of FVRR also performed well earning first place in their respective division.

”I am proud of FVRR for giving it their all this past competition. We have been working really hard to achieve the highest awards and I am excited to see us strive toward the future and being the best we can be in the future,” drum major Domenic Desantis (’15) said.

The team believes that with more practice and more coordination, they will be able to place even higher and keep up their winning streak from last year.

“This competition was much easier than the last one, only because we had so much fun doing it everyone performed well, we also won sweepstakes again.” varsity color guard captain Jonathan Gaydos (‘15) said.

The last competition FVRR participated in was a division-wide competition at the JFK Show at the Glover Stadium, on Oct. 18.

Royal Regiment scored 85.6 in this competition, which was the highest score in the entire competition. Royal Regiment also made another spectacular win by earning first place for sweepstakes out of all the other schools in just their second competition.

Again, the musicians of FVRR made an outstanding performance which helped net them first place in their respective division.

”I am very proud of FVRR for giving it their all, this competition. We have been working really hard and I am excited to see us strive toward being the best we can be in the future,” DeSantis (’15) said.

The team believes that with more practice, they will be able to place even higher and keep up their winning streak from last year.

“Royal Regiment is striving to improve and we are working much harder this year than we have in any previous years,” Jackson said. “It’s mostly due to Mr. Matthews, the new associate director. His hard work is starting to show in the field.”