Lunch drop-off table relocated to outside administration building

Sara Tajalangit ('16) picks up her lunch from the table in front of the administration building. Photo by Stacey Hall.
Sara Tajalangit (’16) picks up her lunch from the table in front of the administration building. Photo by Stacey Hall.

by Amanda Hadley, Staff Writer and Stacey Hall, Staff Photographer

Starting this school year, administration has moved the drop-off location for student lunches. Previously, students could pick up lunches dropped off by their parents at a table in the administration office. Now, the table is located outside the administration building. 

In regards to the new location of the drop-off lunch table, Assistant Principal of [POSITION] Eva White stated that the previous location has “been a problem for a few years”. There was excess traffic in the administration building, and the table would overflow.

Parents would also crowd in the office, causing congestion and hinder the performance of the administration. The new location allows the team to work more efficiently and help a greater amount of students in the front office.

Students have voiced their concerns about dropped-off lunches being stolen. Photo by Stacey Hall.
Students have voiced their concerns about dropped-off lunches being stolen. Photo by Stacey Hall.

When deciding where the table would go, the administrators considered many locations.

“Our primary goal is to keep students safe and comfortable,” White said.

The location of the table was moved outside the administration building; a location that is slightly different, but safer and more efficient.

“Parents are encouraged to drop lunches off  around noon, but they can also choose to drop off their student’s lunch outside the north gate at the start of lunch where there is a supervisor that is present,” White stated.

While administration provides this opportunity, they also encourage students to take responsibility for bringing their own necessities to school.

“I am an advocate for student responsibility,” White said. “Our goal is for us is to keep students safe and allow our people to do their jobs.”