Dear freshman me…

Open Letter: Seniors to Freshmen

Photo by Christine Caoby Christine Cao, Staff writer & Photographer

After four years of learning, experiences and growth, Fountain Valley High School seniors are asked what advice they would give to themselves as freshmen and the class of 2020.

Dear Alice,

Go out and try new things, don’t be afraid and stay motivated. These years are where you find yourself and where you learn the most.

Alice Lee (‘16)

Dear Justin,

Get ready for one of the most stressful but exciting and fun times of your life. You are going to meet so many new people and make countless, unforgettable memories. Be involved as much as possible, go to all the dances and sports games and join clubs because before you know it you will be a senior ready to graduate.

Justin Dimeck (‘16)

Dear Viet,

Friends aren’t forever.

Viet Vu (‘16)

Dear Monica,

First things first, do your eyebrows. Also, high school goes by super quick so get involved with the school and clubs. Go to cool events ASB puts on because you are not going to be able to do that once you graduate. The most important thing would be to hurry up and join choir because you’re going to meet so many genuine people and fall in love with all of them.

Monica Trinh (‘16)

Dear James,

Break up with your girlfriend, you guys will never work. Try harder in basketball. Stop spending so much time on school, A+’s are only equal to A’s. Be more respectful to your mother, she deserves it. Be there for your friends by the edge.

James Philhower (‘16)

Dear William,

Enjoy your high school years. They are going to fly by fast and you’re going to regret not doing things. Join clubs, it’s a great way to make new friends and help the community. You’re going to lose a couple of friends, but in the process make many more.

William Huynh (‘16)

Dear Natalie,

Focus more on what makes you happy. Don’t worry so much about what’s cool or “fitting in”.

Natalie Nguyen (‘16)


If you liked this, see what teachers would say to their high school selves!