The Ups and Downs of BBN

Written by Zeyra Ceballos


Being a part of BBN for almost two years now has been an incredible experience. It’s amazing to know that I’m a part of something so much bigger than me. The whole school of over 3,500 students all watch the work that we produce. It’s a crazy and exhilarating feeling every time a new episode is produced and aired to the school. Every other Thursday our work is released to the public.

As a troubleshooter for BBN I’ve never actually seen the episode in my own class while it’s playing. I go around from hall to hall making sure each teacher is able to play the episode smoothly. Walking down the halls and hearing the videos play in each classroom with the student’s reactions is an amazing feeling. Hearing laughter from classrooms brightens up my day even more. Getting texts from friends about how good the episode was or even over hearing people talk about how much they liked it makes me feel like I’m doing something right in this school.  I feel like my work and what I’m a part of is making a positive difference in the school and lives of others.

Unfortunately it’s not always flowers and rainbows. As there are people who love it, there are always bound to be people who hate it. Hearing people talk about how disappointed they were with the episode or how BBN “sucks” kills me. I’ve unfortunately always been a people pleaser. I do what I can and go out of my way to make sure that people are happy. So hearing that a production I’m a part of brings so much hate out of a person really knocks me down.

Over the approximately two years I’ve been in BBN I’ve learned so much. Not only about film and production, but character as well. BBN has taught me that time is precious, pre-planning will get you very far, and that most importantly you can’t please everyone. We could make the funniest, most informing, and highest quality episodes but there would probably still be someone who has a problem with it. Life is just like that, all you can do is keep moving forward. The experiences and learning I’ve been able to have through BBN are priceless. I’m so proud of everything we’ve accomplished, and I truly believe we are an incredible class.

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