My Strange Addiction: Whipping

by Ivy Duong, Staff Photographer and Bethany Pham, Staff Writer

Britney Pham ('19) whips her way through her everyday conversations. Photo by Ivy Duong
Britney Pham (’19) whips her way through her everyday conversations.
Photo by Ivy Duong

At Fountain Valley High School (FVHS), Britney Pham (‘19) has recently caught the attention of her friends with her addiction of whipping.

She typically whips after every positive statement she makes. Ever since then, she can be seen whipping in multiple conversations, irritating most of the people who she converses with, while entertaining some others. Despite all the protests around her, Britney doesn’t let them get in her ways of whipping.

“People around me always tell me to stop, but I say no and I whip again,” said Pham.

Friends like Tony Tran (‘19) and Eric Le (‘19) have taken notice in Pham’s habitual whipping and have voiced their strikingly disparate opinions about her addiction.

“I’ve known about [her whipping addiction] ever since summer,” said Tran. “I believe that this is a problem that will likely compromise our friendship and that the reason behind this was because of a Skype session. I asked her to dab and since then it progressed into whipping. Britney choosing to not fix her addiction despite me telling her many times to stop it just shows that she doesn’t cherish our friendship.”

“I’ve known about Britney’s addiction since freshman year,” said Le. “I think Britney saw the meme, and it hit her hard. I never thought it would get this bad, but she’s still doing it. I’ve told her she isn’t whipping hard enough. I think she needs to put more emphasis in the whips and that she should whip more. She needs to reach her whipping potential ability: her whipping maximum.”

Pham has yet to combat her addiction, a natural result for her lack of care about it, which bothers many of those around her. “I just let it happen,” said Pham.