Fountain Valley Boys’ League strives for service and support

Senior Dzuy Nguyen posing at Fountain Valley High School with his Boys’ League polo. Photo taken by Vinh Nguyen.

FVHS Boys’ League aims towards developing a community of charity and fun through organized service events and fundraisers. This year, under the clear leadership of the club’s co-presidents, Kyle Do (‘18) and Jun Ahn (‘18), Boys’ League has seen massive success in their recent sandwich-making social and ice-skating fundraiser.

“We are a social club dedicated towards community service. We enjoy improving the world around us together. That’s what Boys’ League is all about.” said Ahn. 

Boys’ League meetings are held every Monday in Room 213 during lunch, where members discuss upcoming events and plan new ones. Members decide on events with service and fun in mind, often hosting socials and fundraisers centered around volunteer work for their community.

“Fountain Valley also has a Girls’ League that we often work with. We even create events with other schools like with La Quinta’s Boys’ League,” said Do. “FV’s club is just one out of a larger community of Boys’ and Girls’ Leagues.”

After usually making over 500 sandwiches together at their monthly sandwich-making socials, Boys’ League brings them into downtown Santa Ana to distribute to the homeless. These events are made possible through regularly-held fundraisers such as bake sales and car washes.

Service in Boy’s League aims to develop members into outgoing members of society, helping to widen their scope of life through experiences with a myriad of different individuals from all branches of the community.

“Everyone here enjoys doing community service together. But, we’re more than just a service club. We’re here for each other more than anybody,” said Do.