Don’t watch trailers before the movie

From trailers to sneak peaks, movies release multiple things, but is it good to see everything before the movie? Illustration by Jennifer Trend.

By Jennifer Trend, Staff Writer

Every movie comes with a trailer that is released prior to its screening for viewers to gain a “sneak peek” of what they can expect to see. Trailers can help you decide to watch a movie, if it’s one you are curious about, but is it really worth it to watch trailers before the movie?

Watching trailers before a movie releases can spoil major parts of the movie. Trailers can leave out enough important scenes to get you hooked, but by the time you view the movie, you might already know some of the major plot points.

If you see something from a trailer, you can start making your own conclusions or ideas as to what could happen, and once you see the plot is not as you predicted, it can easily disappoint you or change your perspective of the movie. Your expectations of the movie can be lowered after watching the trailer and lead to disappointment if the movie is not what you were expecting.

In fact, trailers and previews are meant to be misleading- created by producers to hype up the movie and attract viewers. Some trailers exclude key information or include scenes that aren’t in the movie, so when the scene you’ve been anxiously waiting for doesn’t show up, it can leave you feeling betrayed.

Trailers can be helpful, but for the most part, staying away from them can help you further enjoy and be immersed into the storyline a movie provides.