When packages go missing and what to do about it

Many packages are stolen during the holiday season. Photo by Tracy Lam.

By Isabella Purdy, Staff Writer

On a recent Saturday afternoon, my mother got an email saying that her shipment of jeans from Target had arrived at our house.  But, we weren’t home and came back at night after being gone all day. The package of jeans was nowhere to be found.

Unfortunately, at least for my neighborhood, missing packages are a common occurrence.  Thieves see the opportunity if you’re not home, and when you arrive expecting to see a delivered package, instead you get nothing, and someone’s gift is gone.

However, missing packages can vary.  Based on location, some UPS and FedEx drivers will not feel comfortable leaving your package unattended and they’ll redeliver it on another day.  However, in other locations, that it is not the case.

So, how do you avoid your presents and gifts to others being taken by lowly thieves out to ruin someone’s holiday?

Well, you can talk to the UPS or FedEx deliverer and ask them to deliver packages at another location besides your front porch or front door.  Ask to place the package by a back or side door, or in some shrubbery or bushes that would conceal a package from a thief.

You can also customize your order so that it will arrive when you’re home.  But, what do you do if your package has already been taken?

You can file a claim and talk to the person that delivered it to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.  You can also alert the neighborhood watch, an organization that most communities have to warn fellow neighbors about crime and other dangers to make sure that no one else suffers as you did.

Amazon will refund you if a package is stolen through the seller, and Target will do the same if you alert them about the situation and what was taken, so you will get your money back.

Stay safe this holiday season Barons with these helpful tips and make sure that no one’s gift gets taken during the most wonderful time of the year.