Should teens participate in more clubs?

By Kayla Hoang, Staff Writer

The annual Club Rush 2.0 started off the second semester for Fountain Valley High School students on the 6th and 7th. Dozens of clubs displayed their signs, booths and mascots to parade across the Bowl, inviting students to join them. With so many campus clubs, let’s assess some of the major advantages of students exposing themselves to more people and social groups.

  1. Interests

If you like computer science, you’d join the Computer Science Club. If you enjoy speech or debate, then you should consider signing up for Speech and Debate Club. It’s much easier to enjoy your time in a group when you all share similar hobbies and interests outside of class. The club would offer a space where’d you could learn more about what you’re into, and do more for that club if it’s for a specific cause.

2. Opportunities

Some clubs have their own perks for joining. Most are flexible with their attendance rate, but joining a group can help you learn how to manage time for studying, homework and your extracurriculars. Students have the opportunity to learn new things about a certain subject or engage in more positive things for your school.

3. Social Skills/ Teamwork

There are plenty of other students who are interested in the same activities as you, so you might be thrilled at meeting new people who share your interests. Clubs have you collaborate and interact with your friends, and it provides an area where you can expand your social circle.

4. College Applications

It’s no surprise that partaking in extracurriculars look good to colleges. If you can manage your time appropriately to dedicate yourself to the club, colleges will be impressed. Try for board positions; participate as much as possible and remember to include them in your resume!

5. Volunteer

There are plenty of volunteer clubs on campus that give students the chance to give back to their school and community. If it’s for a specific cause you’re interested in, that’s all the more reason to open yourself up to a new group. Not only will you be able to meet new people, you’ll be able to gain a sense of purpose for helping others. Also, counting your community service hours brings you closer to earning a service cord when you graduate.

However, it’s not necessarily a good idea to join a club simply to be with your friends, or because of outside pressure. Remember that what you choose to dedicate your time to shouldn’t revolve around what everyone else is doing.

There are plenty of other reasons why you should always experiment and try out something new that may not be listed here. As long as you can still manage your time appropriately, clubs remain a positive way for you to be involved with your school and community.