US History teacher David Uribe meets the President of the US

 David Uribe poses in front of an Air Force One during his brief meeting with the president. Photo provided by Uribe.

By Katy Nguyen, Staff Writer & Photographer

In early April this year, United States History teacher David Uribe, had the opportunity to go on a personal tour of the White House, the West Wing and the Eisenhower Building.

“The same friend [who works in the West Wing] called me about…three weeks ago and said, ‘Hey would you like to meet the president?’ and I said ‘absolutely how can I do that?’” said Uribe.

Uribe found out that President Donald Trump will make stop at a “secure location” on Sept. 18 during his two-day fundraising visit in California. This was later revealed to be the Miramar Air Station in San Diego.

“For both trips, I had to have secret service clearance because when you get that close to the president. I had to turn in my name, social security number and then go through an interview…I also had to get patted down by Secret Service and my name was on the list when I got to the base,” said Uribe.

When he got there, Uribe was told that the president wasn’t going to stop and talk to him and the attendees because the president was running late.

President Trump reaches towards David Uribe for a handshake. Photo provided by Uribe.

“But then he came anyways…and talked to us for about ten minutes. He was there. The president came over and then he stuck out his hand and said, ‘hey how are you?’ and I said ‘great’ and he shook my hand. Then, I thought he was gonna leave right away but he just stood there talking. After that he got into a Marine One and flew away,” said Uribe.

Uribe described that he was very excited. However, he is not a person who gets star-struck easily.

Uribe said, “Presidents for me are actually kind of a special thing for me because I teach U.S. History and AP U.S. History, where I have to know about what these guys did and I know their policies. It’s fascinating to think that I’ll be teaching about this particular president in 15 years from now.”

As a U.S. History teacher, Uribe says that any chance he gets to meet a president he would go right away, regardless of who the president is. Uribe also added that if he had a time machine, he would love to meet Abraham Lincoln and described Lincoln as a “political genius.”

Uribe adds that not many people like this particular president and possibly future presidents, but we should realize they’re representing our country and that’s an important job to have.

“I know they’re human and they have their thoughts and their flaws and all that. Now, they’re out of the open more so then they have ever been, but that being said they still hold the most powerful position in the world,” said Uribe.