A survival guide for finals week

FVHS students stays up late to study for finals. Photo by Tracy Lam.

By Lindsey Nguyen

Finals week is right around the corner and it can be very stressful. All the late-night cramming, afternoon coffee study sessions and morning meltdowns are enough to make anyone get a headache. Here are some steps that you can take to have a better finals week:

  1. Commitment: It’s one thing to say that you’re studying and another to say that you are. Getting that picture of your desk scattered with homework papers and opened textbooks for your Snapchat streaks isn’t the same as sitting down and reviewing the terms for your history final in the morning. Make sure you are actually studying so you don’t have to worry about forgetting that formula the day of your final. 
  2. Confidence: Not being sure if you have all the information in your brain for your final is normal. We are all human and we tend to forget a thing or two. However, you need to believe in yourself. Sometimes self doubt and overthinking is the reason we get a question wrong. Stick to your gut and believe that all the studying you did over the weekend paid off. 
  3. Sleep: Sleep is very important. Knowledge isn’t determined by how long you stayed up studying the night before. It is about how much information you retained in your brain. Manage your time well so that you can get that extra hour or two of sleep so you can be well rested for the finals you have the next day. 
  4. Self Control: There are a lot of distractions in life. Whether it be that new Netflix show or your friends that want to hang out all day and do nothing that distracts you, it is important to know your limits. We all have that borderline grade class that worries you and it isn’t going anywhere until you put the phone down or say no to your friends. It’s only a week. Then, you can go and relax after a hard week of studying and cramming. 
  5. Breaks: There are only so many pieces of information that you can cram into your brain before it explodes. Self-care is very important, especially around this time in a school year, so make sure you are taking breaks, eating and resting this week. Brain foods are important and can help you on your long journey through finals week.

Good luck on your finals Barons! You got this 🙂