Marvel versus DC universe

Both Marvel and D.C have a variety of shows and movies Collage by Brian Pham

By Lylyan Yenson

Superhero movies have taken up the big screen as Marvel and DC release movie after movie showcasing superheroes new and old. These characters which originated from comic books have come to life with numerous live action movies and tv shows.


When you first think of Marvel, you think of the successful movies that they’ve released that has made billions worldwide. Marvel first started to make live action movies in the 90’s, which weren’t as successful. 

Blade, released in 1998, Spiderman, released in 2002, and X-Men, released in 2000, could be considered the first of the Marvel universes success. Unfortunately it would take a couple more years for Marvel to release Iron Man and start it’s road to major success and build itself into the franchise it is today.

Although Marvel tv shows aren’t as popular as the movies Marvel has produced an abundance of tv shows. They first started in 1974 with Spidey Super Stories which reached 3 seasons til being cancelled. The movie Incredible Hulk wasn’t as popular, but the tv show produced in 1977 had 5 seasons with 80 episodes. 

In the 21st century, Marvel has released shows after shows which haven’t done so well as they were cancelled after a couple seasons, some being cancelled after one. Their most successful would be Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the ABC network which is working on it’s seventh and final season. 

DC Universe

Although recent DC movies haven’t been as successful as Marvel movies, DC has a longer history with award winning films.

The DC Universe first released movies in 1951 which were mediocrely successful. Superman, released in 1978, won one Oscar and nominated for three mores. Several more movies released from 1989 to 1995 were nominated and won oscars. The DC Universe has many successful Oscar nominated and winning movies. 

Tv shows made using DC comics have been very popular as they feature many popular superheroes.

DC tv shows first started with the Adventures of Superman which filmed 6 season and 104 episodes. The following tv shows were mediocre with only couple seasons. Smallville, released in 2001, could be considered one of the most successful DC tv shows with 10 seasons. Current ongoing DC shows are hugely successful such as Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, and many more.

Overall both the Marvel and DC Universe have a long history and many fans look forward to seeing their favorite superheroes.