Room B15 transformation: regular classroom to sleek dance studio

Second period Dance P.E. warms up by doing several exercises. Photo by Monika Gerges.

By Monika Gerges

The construction of a new dance studio in room B15 has given FVHS performing groups more space to practice, opening the door for an expansion of the dance P.E. program and an easier sharing arrangement for other groups.

Last year, the FVHS dance team, song team, dance P.E. class and theater department all had to share the theater room (Room 309). Now, dance P.E. has its own space in Room B15, which it shares with pep squad and occasionally dance. The theater department and dance share room 309, an easier arrangement than in past years.

The new studio, which is open from first to sixth period, also allows more students to take dance P.E.

“Unfortunately, we can’t take everyone. People think it’s like regular P.E. and it’s nothing like [it]” said Bearden. “If you don’t do your work and practice at home you fall behind.”

The construction of the studio was initiated by Dance P.E. teacher Tara Bearden, who has been pushing for the incorporation of an official dance studio since she began working at FVHS since the 2015-2016. Construction of the B15 studio began in June, and was ready for use by the first day of school.

“Pushing this space and working very, very hard and not giving up was how I got this space,” Bearden said.

In order to pay for the studio, Bearden raised money from bingo and donations by the pep squad. FVHS P.E. teacher Alyson Smith also helped raise funds.

Bearden does see some room for improvement in the dance studio. She would like for the room to be bigger, and thinks it would be easier if each program had its own space.

“When you’re sharing a space, it’s never really exactly what it should be for that one program,” said Bearden. “Take the football turf field; everyone can do whatever they need to whenever they want to do it and it’s not true for [dance, pep squad, and dance P.E.] and theater.”

Nonetheless, the new dance studio was a significant improvement for dance P.E. students’ ability to practice. Last year, the program’s first year, dance P.E. did not have a proper studio and often used the cafeteria or the theater room. Now, students have their own space.

“You should’ve seen my dance P.E. students’ faces when they walked in,” Bearden said. “When they walked in they felt happy.”

It’s also improved the students’ confidence and motivation to learn, dance and have fun. They now have their own place where they can express themselves freely.

The teachers previously using room B15, which was an art and ROP room, now have their own classrooms in the art buildings. Zoe Seals now holds her class in room 246, and Tony Pash teaches in rooms 305, 240 and 303.