Helpful habits for online schooling

Accommodating to online learning can be difficult for most people; however, to make it a little easier, there are three helpful steps to adapt to online learning better. Graphic by Natalie Ayvazian.

By Natalie Ayvazian

Do you want an easier way to better adapt to online schooling? Well, here are a few suggestions that can help you to get through the school year distance-learning motivated, successful and less tired. 

1. Avoid using electronic devices 30 minutes before bed. 

Researchers from Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, Inc. found that using your phone right before you sleep can make you even more tired. Your tiredness can last up to one week, not only a day. Using laptops and computers before bed can worsen your eyesight.

It has been proven that the blue light from cell phone screens can prevent the production of melatonin, a hormone controlling the sleep-wake cycle. Students should let their minds rest, especially after a long day.

Phones take up the time and energy of an individual. Your sleep is more important than being on your phone, and following this suggestion may help you be more alert and awake during the school day.

2. Wear blue light glasses during classes.

Blue light glasses can improve your eyesight by allowing your eyes to relax.

These glasses are available anywhere for under $10. Blue light glasses help you to stay awake during the day because these glasses block all blue light which light itself makes you fatigue.

“Blue light glasses have a coating that filters out the amount of blue light you are exposed to. There are also coatings and filters which can be added to your spectacle lenses which reduce the amount of exposure to blue light,” Brad Brocwell, Vice President of Clinical Operations for Now Optics, told We Are Teachers.

Most students position their bodies oddly and move closer to the computer screen to see the onscreen text better, causing tension in their necks. These glasses can prevent neck pain by allowing you to see the screen clearly without having to bend your neck.

A reduced amount of subjection to blue light is always the best thing to do. However, during online school it is difficult to do so, and blue light glasses are a solution.

3. Set your phone aside during school hours and study hours.

Phones can be very distracting, especially during online school. It’s tempting to use your phones during online classes and after school, but using your phones will draw attention from assignments and cause your grades to lower. This can also lead to sleeping late to do homework, and you may be not able to concentrate during school.

“The conclusion here is that smartphones and other electronic devices can reduce a student’s ability to think to their full potential,” writes Sherri Gordon from Very Well Family.

For this reason, it is recommended that you set an alarm, app limits, and lower the usage of screen time on phones. This way your mind can be open to focusing on school even more.