The unexpected connection between cats and matcha lovers

Cats love this so matcha. Illustration by Lena Nguyen.

By Minh Ngoc Le

Cats and matcha lovers—it may seem that these people are totally unrelated, but when connected together, they make perfect sense.

For years, matcha has been perceived as the “healthier” alternative to coffee. A traditional Japanese specialty, this hearty, green-colored tea provides just the same amount of caffeine as coffee—just with a calming effect and a number of health benefits.

Coffee, on the other hand, has been the typical choice of drink for years. Especially in busy, bustling cities like New York, coffee seems to be the staple in everyone’s life- people often resort to this drink for a quick burst of energy. Coffee is also extremely accessible, and increasingly so with the globalization of coffee shops like Starbucks around the world.

In a way, cats and dogs tie perfectly into this comparison.

Dogs are often perceived as energetic creatures. They enjoy being active, interacting with people and are often extremely playful. You can always count on this eager companion to lift your mood after a long, tiring day; and if they were to take a personality test, it is no doubt that they would be an extrovert.

Coffee drinkers can be described in a similar way. These people often frequent coffee shops to socialize, catch up with friends or come together as a community to share ideas. The overflowing notice boards seen in coffee shops just prove how many social networks are created in these spaces. Similar to how dogs were the staple, classic family pets for years, coffee drinkers choose coffee, in a way, to assimilate with the modern, busy lifestyle.

Cats, however, are often perceived as calmer animals. They enjoy taking a warm bath alone on a sunny balcony, spending time looking out the window, or gracefully clean themselves after a long, tiresome day of relaxing on the couch. Though they seem lazy, cats are independent, inquisitive and not afraid to stray away from typical stereotypes.

Cat lovers are often known for their unique and independent personalities, which also extends to their lifestyle choices. They see themselves as non-conformists who don’t necessarily follow society’s rules, but rather, choose to live life on their own terms. This is reflected in the type of beverages they choose to consume: in a world dominated by coffee drinkers, independent cat lovers opt for a cup of matcha instead.

Matcha, just like cats, is often associated with calmness and serenity. Those who enjoy a cup of matcha latte tend to prefer a calmer lifestyle, whether it be sitting in a quiet cafe or taking an outdoor expedition in nature. They appreciate the tranquility that comes with sipping on a warm, green tea-based drink, which provides a moment of peace and relaxation in a busy world.

Cats are also known for being self-sufficient and taking care of themselves, often on their own. This mirrors the lifestyle of matcha drinkers, who choose a healthier alternative to coffee or other common sugary drinks. By drinking matcha, they are taking care of their health and well-being, making it an ideal choice for those who value personal responsibility and a healthy lifestyle.

Turns out, cat lovers and matcha drinkers share many similar traits and lifestyle choices. Both are independent, non-conformist, and prioritize their health and well-being. Whether sipping on a warm cup of matcha or cuddling with a furry feline, these individuals are living life on their own terms and embracing their unique personalities.