Roaming Reporter: What’s trending in your world?

By Emily Chan 

From skinny jeans to parachute pants, fashion trends are all around us. Whether you love fashion, hate it or simply don’t care, there’s no denying it plays a role within our lives. In some ways, fashion trends can essentially provide a guideline for our everyday outfits. 

Often influenced by the various forms of media around us such as music and movies, fashion is constantly evolving. They are the combination of the past, present and even future.  The trends seen today at Fountain Valley High School are all renditions of what was popular in the past, simply with a modern twist. That said, in the world of social media, new trends and aesthetics seem to have popped up almost spontaneously in the past 10 years.  

Let’s ask our Barons which of these trends are at the top of their lists.

Disclaimer: Responses have been edited for conciseness and clarity. 

Photos by Elizabeth Chang.