A guide to a cozy Halloween night-in

Not going out for Halloween and staying home can still be fun. Illustration by Candice Tran.

By Candice Tran

Halloween is slowly approaching, and you really want to get into the spirit of fall and spookiness but don’t have much time to do so. You don’t know how. Let me help. 

Don’t feel like going outside this year to trick-or-treat? Too lazy to dress-up or even find a costume? Afraid to get kidnapped by clowns? Well, you could always stay in the comfort of your home this year and enjoy some simple, yet festive activities.

Just because you’re not going trick-or-treating, going to a haunted house or attending a Halloween party doesn’t mean you have to spend Halloween by yourself. If anything, spending this spooky night-in with others can make it all the more fun. 

Before you jump into your at-home festivities, you want to be as comfortable as possible, so throw on your favorite pajamas (bonus points if they’re fall-themed). 

To start off your night, you can decorate cookies, cupcakes or other treats to make them Halloween-themed. Or, a personal favorite: make pizza in the shape of a Halloween icon (pumpkins, ghosts, bats, etc.) and include toppings of your choice! For beverages, searching up recipes to brew some pumpkin spice hot chocolate would tie everything together. 

And of course, you can’t be cookin’ it up in the kitchen without some Halloween music! From “Monster Mash” to “Thriller” to “Ghostbusters,” curating your own playlist of the best Halloween tracks would really enhance the spirit. 

Whether you want to feast on your food before or during, fall or Halloween movies and shows are also fun to watch with others or even by yourself (especially in those comfy PJ’s too). For me, I’d go through and watch all the fall-related episodes of Gilmore Girls and maybe throw in a horror movie or two. 

If you’re finished with all the activities above, or want to try others, you could always play some board games for that staying-in feel. 

But if you want to stay more on the spooky side, you could tell some scary stories to each other with all the lights off and only a flashlight for the storyteller. 

Too scary for you? Don’t worry because you could always paint and decorate or carve pumpkins. This is a fun activity to bring out the creativity in everyone, and it’s always fun to see what each person can make. 

There are always so many different things to do on Halloween, and these are only a few of the many options. Though no matter what you choose to do, make sure you have fun and stay safe!