Economics Club Holiday Food Drive

Students helped donate over 1,000 cans

The spirit of giving was alive and well this holiday season. Many of the clubs on campus were hosting various donation drives and the students at FV were not shy in giving. Among the drives, Economics Club hosted its annual Holiday Canned Food Drive before break from December 1st through December 16th. The food drive was regulated to first period classrooms across the FV campus.

Stater Bros. generously donated brown paper bags to the cause and the members of Economics Club went to work setting up the food drive. The grand prize was a donut party for the classroom with the most cans in weight.
Needless to say the Barons took pride in their giving and raised a grand total of 1,016 cans over the two week period! A phenomenal number of cans which have all made their way to a local food shelter in Midway City, named American Family Housing. Bags and even boxes full of cans came into almost every classroom throughout the two weeks. Mrs. Chaicharee’s first period and Ms. Ro’s first period were the top two classes of the food drive, although Ms.Ro took away the prized donut party.

When asked how her class accomplished the feat she replied with surprise “I just asked the kids how many cans they thought they could bring, they said 5, and they all seemed to bring 5.” Judy Kampaman from American Family Housing was very ecstatic about the donations “This will help so many people, thank you so much.  Our pantries really needed to be restocked.”

FVHS filled the shelters pantry over the holiday season.

Economics club worked hard behind the scenes to put on the canned food drive, Julie King CO-President of Economics club commented “We hit some roadblocks on the way, but with the help of ASB, the students, and the teachers of this school, we were able to help a lot of people.” The Barons and the Fountain Valley Community will bring hope and satisfaction to many needy people. The Holiday Canned Food Drive was very successful and a great benefit to our community.