Students win awards in annual Reflections Contest

Campbell Grihalva, Katrya Ly, Julienne Chiang, and Valerie Chang have earned recognition for their entries for the annual PTSA Reflections contest.

Campbell Grihalva (’15) received an Award of Excellence, which allows him to move on to the district division. His entry was a silent film entitled “Magic is the Key”, in which a man finds a set of car keys in a magician’s box.

“We [Grihalva and his friend, Michael Peters (’15)] filmed a little video and we didn’t really like expect it to win… then I edited the video and we submitted it and I won! It was all uphill from there, I suppose,” said Grihalva.

Katrya Ly (’16) also won the Award of Excellence for her story called “The Magic of a Story”, about a young boy who discovers his abilities as a writer and realizes that he can inspire others to write too.

She expressed her support of the Reflections program, noting that “it can inspire people to share their ideas and stories and whatever they have to tell.”

The Award of Merit went to Julienne Chiang (’16) for her work of art entitled “She Can Be Anywhere”, which depicted a little girl in a cardboard box and a towel cape, discovering a magical universe with the help of her imagination.

Chiang was surprised but delighted when she learned that her work had won an award, especially because it was very personal to her.

“I didn’t think it would mean too much to anybody else, but seeing that it did affect other people is kind of flattering. That’s kind of what being an artist is about, for a lot of people,” said Chiang.

Valerie Chang (’14) earned Honorable Mention for her art piece entitled “A Mother’s Tenderness”, which was a picture of a mother giraffe and a baby giraffe sharing a loving moment.

“It was really inspirational and worthwhile. I had a lot of fun making it [her artwork] and learning that I won a prize for it is nice too,” she said.