Another Win for Boys Soccer

Written by Selena Yaghoubi & Photographed by Ashley Le

On Friday, Boys Soccer continued their season with another league game against Los Alamitos, winning with a score of 2-0.

The Barons started the game on attack towards the Los Al net. In the first 10 minutes, Oscar Fernandez (’13) scored off of an assist from Joseph Soloman (’13). Almost five minutes after the first goal, Derek Huynen (’13) managed to find the back of the net while the barons were swarming the goal.

The boys fought a strong offense in the first half with some great runs by Marcello Ratinoff (’13) and several attempted shots by forward, Joseph Soloman.

In the second half, the boys turned defensive, trying to stop Los Alamitos from driving towards the goal. Defensive players Gordi Grigus (’13) and Brett Nomura (’14) made some key saves to deflect the shots taken by Los Alamitos.

Goalie, Ryan Brown (’13) made 9 overall saves in the game. After the game, Brown said, “We got the win today for Mike Seburn. The teams blessings goes out for his family.”

Mike Seburn, the father of Varsity player Morgan Seburn’s (’14), had apparently died the day before the game. All players decided to wear a black wristband on their arm to commemorate the man.


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