Library adds new TV to interior

by Julia Hong

Earlier in the year, FVHS library updated its interior and made some renovations by adding new furniture pieces like desks, chairs, and sofas for students. Along with these new changes, a Vizio TV monitor was added to the wall to display book trailers.

After the library requested a TV, it received a $600 donation. The monitor was put up to publicize new books and encourage students to read.

One of the librarians said, “It’s getting harder and harder to get out the books to students since there’s so many. The monitor is to display new books.”

Different types of books trailers for the month will be shown; however, no sound will be played because the library needs to be silent.

Student Zehra Ahmed (13’) was skeptical of the TV’s function.

“They should have spent the money on something more useful because no one pays attention to it,” Ahmed said.

Brenton Phung (14’) agreed, saying, “It’s fancy and nice to have, but it’s more form than function.”