Firefighters and police officers square off in basketball game

Written and Photographed by Tue Duong

It’s that time of year when firefighters and police officers face off in a game of basketball.

Every year, FVHS’s girls basketball organizes an event in which the Fountain Valley community comes together to watch the firefighters and police officers put down their hoses and batons for a friendly game of basketball.

This year, the firefighters headed off against the police men on January 26th.

Families, friends and fans turned out to cheer on each team. Booths of raffle prizes and mini boutiques carrying sunglasses, bags, and hats were also available.

In the end, the firemen came out victorious, 56-40.

It was just a simple game of basketball, but this event brought out the community and gave everybody a chance to cheer on the men, even when they were off-duty.

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