Seniors thank the college career center

For senior Barons, there are only three months left before graduation and some have already been receiving acceptance letters from colleges.

But how exactly are they preparing to achieve their goals in the future?

The career center located in the back of the library is run by Mrs. Wakeman and Mrs. Sanders. Both help and guide student to the college of their dreams and their path towards it.

“The career center helped me get the classes that needed and the classes that I wanted,” said Wyatt Heise (’13).

Mrs. Wakeman and Mrs. Sanders hold presentations in the library every year to remind students to keep up with their work in order to get into the college of their dreams.

“When I was a junior, I didn’t even know how to apply to college or what I was going to do or where to apply to but I was fortunate enough to receive a lot of guidance and help via the career center,” said Zachary Billeter (’13).

Not only does the career center help students out by keeping them on track, but during school or after school, the career center holds workshops for students to learn more about their college applications or financial aid.

“I benefited a lot from the presentations the career center hosted about scholarship opportunities and financial aid,” Danielle Tran (’13) said.

The career center invites college representatives to visit and explain their school. “Presentations by representatives from other schools helped me find out what I wanted in a school,” said Emily Tran (’13).

Mrs. Sanders also helps students by introducing and processing ROP classes for students who want to try out a possible career.

“The career center opened my eyes to a lot throughout the years,” Natalie Tran (’13) said. “I came there every time I joined an ROP, or needed a hand with planning my next step.”

Some students go to the career center to discuss their choices for college. “Although I feel like I’ve known what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go for the longest time, college career planning still helped me a lot because I’m the first child going to college in my family and the whole process was really foreign to me,” said Annie Bui (’13).

“Thanks to Mrs. Wakeman and all the staff members who help me with my FAFSA and prepared me for college,” Kevin Nguyen (’13) said. “Your help is much appreciated!”

About Julia Nguyen

Hi, I'm Julia. I am in Theatre and Baron Banner. I like advertising "my" (quotation marks because it really isn't truly mine) blue blueberry smelly marker sometimes around the school. I also like going out and doing things with my life.

One thought on “Seniors thank the college career center

  1. Mrs. Wakeman is awesome! I’ve visited her many times regarding college and she’s always been patient and very helpful. 🙂

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