Do students really use the Titan HST application?

By Lauren Nguyen, Staff Writer

This year, Fountain Valley High School (FVHS) introduced a new safety application for staff members, students and parents to stay connected and updated in the case of an emergency. The app, Titan HST (Heath & Security Technologies Inc) allows users to receive updates on the situation sent out by the school, send alerts to the school about potential threats on campus, communicate via group chat, audio chat, and video calls. Users can also refer back to the app for instructions on emergency protocols like how to evacuate and what to do in the event of an injured individual. Titan HST is available for download on the Google Play Store, the iTunes App Store and can be accessed on the internet as well.  FVHS has promoted the platform through multiple emails and announcements during school in addition to hosting Titan HST employees on campus to speak to students during lunch. Though all staff members are required to have the safety application on their cellular devices, students are strongly encouraged but not required to do the same.

“I do not have the Titan HST app. I’ve been meaning to download it, but I haven’t. I think [students] should learn what the app is and then after that they can see for themselves” said freshman Michelle Pham.

“It’s an easy way to get information spread around quickly. I don’t have storage. If I get space [I would consider getting the application],” said sophomore Matthew Dubuque.

“I haven’t heard anything about the app. My class during the announcements is really loud so we can’t really hear anything,” said senior Emily Thai.
“I’ve heard it’s this app where students can like, it’s something about school safety or something like that. My teacher explained it to us, but I didn’t really understand it. I just haven’t downloaded the app because I haven’t checked my email,” said junior Jordan Cardoza.
“I do not use the app because I haven’t figured out how to sign in. I think it would [be useful in an emergency] because it’s a way for the school to notify you on what’s happening like during a lockdown”, said freshman Leyna Truong.
“No, I do not use the Titan HST app. I do not have it on my phone. I have never actually thought of downloading it because I do get a notification on my email when something is going on so I feel informed,” said junior Steven Stewart.