Girls’ basketball loses to a charged up Edison

Barons are trying to block the chargers from passing the ball and attempting a shot. Photo by Avrena Ghatas.

By Avrena Ghatas

Girls’ basketball went up against the Edison chargers in a competitive game this Thursday. With the Barons putting up a strong defense but missing shots, the Chargers ultimately won by a final score of 38-49.

The game started off with a tip off for the Chargers and a heated fight for the ball. In the first half of the first quarter, the score remained 0-0 with back and forth possession of the ball by both teams. Both teams showed solid defense. The Chargers then scored their first two points as free throws as a result of a foul. The first quarter ended off in a tie when senior Kristen Ho scored the first three-pointer of the game making the score 5-5.

The second quarter started with a two-pointer for Edison. This was quickly reciprocated by Ho shortly after. With multiple layups and two pointers by Edison’s senior Noelle Duffey, the Chargers took lead of the game. The second quarter ended with a two-pointer by senior Caitlin Okawa in the last 10 seconds, making the score 9-21 for the Chargers.

Players are ready to catch the ball right when Sophomore Mary Nguyen passes it over. Photo by Avrena Ghatas.

Throughout the first half of the game, the Barons showed great ball passes, blocks and rebounds. This, however, was reciprocated by Edison’s strong offense and defense.

To start off the third quarter, both teams scored back to back shots bringing the score to 16-29 for Edison. After multiple missed shots from the Barons, the Chargers were able to come up on top scoring three times in a row towards the end of the third quarter, bringing the score to 19-40.

In the final quarter, the Barons returned with a strong bounce back giving Edison no chances at the Baron rim. Barons started scoring two and three-pointers and blocking the Chargers’ shots, which left the Chargers helpless for a while. The game ultimately ended with a score of 38-49 in favor of the Chargers.

Barons ready to box out as charger Noelle Duffey attempts a free throw. Photo by Avrena Ghatas.

Key highlights of the game were the Barons’ strong will to block and keep possession of the ball. Junior Margaret Tengan and Ho scored multiple three-pointers and helped block Edison’s shots; Okawa showed great defense and was always ready to get hold of the basketball. Senior Enya Nguyen also contributed to the team’s defense by blocking the ball and rebounding. 

Overall, both teams showed great effort, but the Chargers’ offense put them on the lead most of the game. The Barons made a solid comeback towards the end of the game, which did not grant them the win because of the limited time they had to score.