Do’s and don’ts: littering edition

By Hannah Park

Disclaimer: All of the following panels are based on personal observation. These tips may seem basic, but the littering problem at FVHS shows that we need them!

While it’s perfectly fine to have fun throwing away your trash, you should always pick it up if you miss. Unfortunately, we’ve seen students throwing full juice cartons and letting the mess drip all over the floor.
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According to a study by the organization Keep America Beautiful, there are 50 billion pieces of trash in the United States of America (as of 2020). That’s a huge number—in other words, there are 152 pieces of litter per each person!

Let’s do our part to minimize this problem. FVHS has trash cans everywhere you look, so there’s no reason why you should litter on the poor grass!

While there may be kind custodians to clean up after us at school, there won’t always be people to prevent our trash from polluting the streets and oceans. What’s more, we shouldn’t let other people take responsibility for our own messes.

The habits we form today will follow us into our adult lives. Which will you choose: laziness and littering, or hard work and common sense?